Good Evening Everyone! Jake and I have decided to join the world of blogging. I have put this off as long as I could because computers are the devil and our lives are kind of crazy and not too exciting to read about. So the validity of some of the stories we put on here may be questionable, so as to make the appearance of an exciting life, but should be entertaining.
For those of you that do not know here is the skinny on the three of us. I graduated in may magna cum laude from asu with a degree in early childhood education. I work Monday-Thursday for a tutoring company. I love my job and the people I work with so that makes it easier to leave Kadence at home. My job is super flexible if something does come up so that is nice as well. I am now getting used to getting up early (because K is a good sleeper and does not get up early) and getting myself ready for work before Kadence gets up and then getting her ready for her day. I go to work, come home, make dinner, say good-bye to Jake, bathe Kadence, get her ready for bed, go to sleep myself, and then do it all over again the next day.
Jake is a workaholic. He is the coolest man in the whole wide world. He is such a stud........ sorry jake got a hold of the computer whlie i was tending to Kadence. Anyways, he is a workaholic. For those of you who don't know he is a police officer for the city of phoenix. He works four ten hour shifts and then has three "off days", even though his off days more often than not turn into trips to court, off duty jobs, training, or other such nonsense. He loves it though so it is worth it becuase he brings home the bacon.
Kadence spends monday thru wednesday with daddy. She loves it and it is a lot of fun for him too. It is always fun to come home at night and see the amazing hair style and outfits that daddy creates for Kadence to sport that day. The amazing cleanliness of the house after two children, kadence and daddy, play all day in it is always a treat. She then spends Thursday with her favorite person...Grandma! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are Mommy and
Kadence days which are of course my favorite.
Kadence has started walking and our lives have changed forever because of it. She seems to be a totally different girl. She wants nothing to do with us anymore all she wants to do is WALK!!!!
Seargent and Buster are our two furriest family members. They are in and of themselves a completely different set of challenges. We, however, cound not imagine our lives without them. Buster is my dog. He is a five year old spoiled beagle. Sarge(jake's dog) is, as the name suggests is a scary looking pitbull mix, who is afraid of his own shadow. Lucky for us the bad guys dont know that.
We recently had a new addition to the family. His name is Toby the tortoise. He is only four weeks old and very cute. He doesn't do much. Kadence trys to grab at him and love him like Lenny from of mice and men all the time and Sargie wants to eat him.
And now you are all caught up on the exciting life in the Burke household, and from now on will be able to stay up to date on the innerworkings of the well oiled machine that is the Burke family.
Random photos
7 years ago
YAY!!!! You guys finally have a blog! Welcome to the blogging world! This is going to be sooo much fun! Ok, in order to add friends, you have to go to customize on the top right hand corner of your homepage screen. Then you will click on add a gadget, then at the very top of the list should be "bloglist" add it, and then you can go into it. you can title it anything you want; family, friends, etc. You'll click "Add to list" and then it will have you put in a url of the blog you want. Text colin if you have anymore questions :)
well its about freeking time mandy!! you need to check out my families blog and my blog talk to ginny ab out it she knows it better than i do -Cassidy-
Manda!!!! HI my friend! I found you! YEAH! Sounds like things are going good for you guys! I love the pictures of Kadence! She is adorable! Keep in touch!
Welcome to the blogging world!! I am so glad you gave into the pressure :) I love those pics of K! She is such a doll face, I am so excited to watch her on Wed.
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